To be a better Noticer

I had an appointment in town today. I was due for another A.R.T. session on my shoulder that I yanked pulling a garden hose while driving my golf cart too fast. But, that’s a story for another day.

I hesitate to share this, because I’m not looking for pats on the back. I want you to see this as an urging to be a noticer. Open your eyes, and look around you.

I pulled up and parked my car. As I walked to the door of the office building, I noticed an elderly gentleman leaning on his cane, about 5 feet from the corner of a surgery building. I’m sure he expected me to walk by. But, I stopped, the socially acceptable 6 feet away, and asked if I could help him.

He was clearly in a lot of pain, and said his wife was pulling the pickup around. I took a step away, and saw the pickup. The man, still stood there. I motioned to the pickup, and asked if I could open the door. “Yes, please.” He hesitated and I asked, is there anything else I can do for you? “Could you help me get to the door?’ Of course. And I walked over, and offered him my arm.

He held onto my arm, and we walked to the pickup. His wife thanked me. And then, he put his hand on mine, for just a few seconds.

And, I’ve thought about that moment all day long. How that moved me. How I would have missed that connection, had I been looking down. And, it also made me remember just how powerful touch can be.

I’ve learned, ever since the day I talked my husband into staying at the camp instead of kayaking with the family, that the spirit prompts us, if we will listen. My husband passed out 15 minutes after my family left for the river, and he ended up needing a pacemaker, after a long helicopter ride.

I had thought about changing my own appointment today, staying home. But, something compelled me to keep it. And my gut said, there’s a reason; listen to the prompting. I believe that the spirit prompts us all the time, but we are too busy, or life is too loud to hear it. And I’m not saying that I was needed there because someone needed my arm. But, I think I needed the reminder that the enemy wants me to swim in fear, the kind of fear that locks me up inside, so I don’t notice hurting people; so I worry only about my own well-being.

I needed to feel that soft touch on my hand, from another human, after so many weeks of isolation. We need each other.

Your friend,

Anne Dovel - The Fit Quilter