Time for another Facebook break!

In April, I decided to give myself the gift of no posting on my Facebook personal profile for 30 days. And it turned out to be a splendid gift to myself. But, I have business on Facebook, so over time, I started scrolling and commenting and went back to posting on my profile. In the last couple of weeks, I shared some deeper thoughts, and got many positive comments back. It seemed like everyone was a friend. Then, one day, I posted a campaign video, because I thought what was said, was valid. Crickets. And not just crickets, but ghosting.

Now, I’m a big girl, I can handle it. But, it made me think a lot about how we are fooled into thinking we have real connection on social media. I’ve met people, and built connection from Facebook, but do you really have connection ON Facebook?

Another thing that happens often on Facebook, is the random stranger, you’ve never ever heard from, will comment, but most often, only to tell you how wrong you are. Friends just don’t comment. The mask debate; who could have predicted how mean people could get if you didn’t agree with their mask philosophy? I didn’t predict it, but after a conversation in late March with someone, I did tell my best friend, this is going to divide churches, businesses and damage friendships. And, sadly, it is doing that and has done that.

But, I’m not here to talk about masks. Heavens…are we sick of that topic yet? I still make a few custom masks for people, but thankfully, cheap, mass-produced masks are in all the box stores now. That takes the pressure off!

So, why am I back to my blog? The toxicity level on Facebook is at an all time high. And, I like my life too much to be drowning in the epic fear mongering so prevalent on Facebook. I very much doubt that Zuckerberg and his employees have even close to the same beliefs, ideals, politics, faith as I do. But, they are pulling the strings, and I am not going to play that game on my personal page. So, I’m going to just let it be and post on my business page, and who knows…I may leave it that way.

So, let’s get at this blog thing. I have elderberries to harvest, sourdough to make, quilts and rope bowls to make and a blog to share it on.

Anne Dovel - The Fit Quilter