Anne Dovel - Prairie Woman Arts

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How to Sew a Doll Cape

I made a Toddler cape yesterday and had just enough scraps from the wool skirt that I upcycled, to make a matching dolly cape.

I used a free 18” doll cape pattern as my template. (I found the pattern template on the blog.)

There is just enough of a scrap left from the thrifted wool skirt, to make a doll cape. I started with the 18” doll cape template from and rounded the edges.

Tip: when sewing small shapes, often I either draw the shape on freezer paper or the fabric itself, sew, then trim. It is a lot less fiddly to handle bigger pieces of fabric and also easier to cut the shapes afterwards.

I cut the cape shape out of my lining fabric, laid it right sides together with the wool skirting, and stitched a scant 1/4” from the lining edge, leaving a 2” opening to turn.

Removing a little bulk in the seam allowance will give you a nicer finish, especially on a smaller item like this. Clip a V out on convex curves and snip almost to the seam on concave curves.

Turn right side out, press really well. I didn’t mention it earlier, but I made a double layer tab from the wool and stitched it into the seam for the closure. That will have a snap hand sewn on it, instead of a button, like I put on the full size cape.

Top stitch a scant 1/4” from the edge, sew on the snap or velcro for the closure and you have a sweet doll cape. It took me less than 30 minutes, start to almost finish. The trick for me will be finding the snaps in my packed studio boxes!

Enjoy the season. I love making gifts, especially ones that come together so quickly!

Your friend,
