Anne Dovel - Prairie Woman Arts

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Ann Wood Stitch Book begins January 19, 2024

I followed along and did the daily stitching to make a stitch book in 2021 with Ann Wood Handmade. It was such a great experience for me, to have 15 minutes of stitching every day for 100 days.

As a caregiver for my husband with early onset Alzheimer’s, I could keep supplies by my chair and stitch. The reason I joined was to make myself do something. But, in the end, one of the things I learned from the 100 days of stitching was that it was an idea factory. When I would sit down to stitch, I would grab some perle cotton #8, which is my favorite, and thread a needle and just start stitching. Some days my stitching was simply running stitch or “taking my needle for a walk,” as I would call it on social media.

I am joining the Ann Wood stitch book sew along again, on January 19, 2024. You can read all about it on Ann Wood’s blog or do a search in Instagram.

I’ll post some of my “pages” from 2021. To be honest, I am missing 1 page and hadn’t sewn my first book together yet because caregiving and taking care of our acreage at the same time, got pretty busy in April 2021 and I set the pages aside, but that’s on my list to finish before I start the 2024 sew along. It’s an even busier time now, as my husband passed and I’m getting my acreage ready to list for sale in the spring. But, that’s why I chose this project. I’m packing up my bigger projects and sewing stash so it’s ready when I have to move. Small projects, that require little time but make me pick up a needle and thread help me feel more alive.

Join me on Instagram or on my Prairie Woman Arts Facebook page, where I’ll be posting my daily stitch in my story with the hashtag #annwoodstitchbook2024 .

Thank you for visiting my blog, friend.
