Anne Dovel - Prairie Woman Arts

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Facebook fast day 5

Today was a momentous day. I went to Facebook to tune into church, but didn’t get drawn into any scrolling. I listened to our church service on Facebook live, shared it as a watch party.

This is not the first time I’ve done some sort of facebook fast. I worked with a business mentor years ago, and she challenged me to stop being available “24/7” and in order to make a break with that habit, she told me I needed to take 72 hours off.

The first 24 hours was the most difficult, because my habit was so strong to check for emails, messages, likes, and posts. Once I settled down, I picked up an old knitting project, found books I had wanted to look through, picked up a journal and by the end of 72 hours, I had gotten to the point where I thought it would be nice to just wait a couple more hours to open up my computer and phone.

What I’m saying is, I know the drill. And each time I challenge myself in this way, it’s easier. And, I learn more about myself.

Since we have church at home now, I’ve been making sourdough waffles on Sunday. Today, I used most of my Einkorn sourdough excess and some all purpose. Einkorn makes really good pancakes and waffles, but has been a little tricky so far, in the bread department.

Today, I also made a quick trip to the garden to bury some compost, finished 4 more six-inch star blocks for a quilt that might have the most pieces that I’ve ever cut for a single quilt, and little bunny got one ear.

Tomorrow is Day 6, already!

Until tomorrow,
Anne Dovel